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Hands on a key board

Submit a Tip Here

Click the button to fill in the form

on your computer or phone screen.

It's confidential.

Man on a cell phone

Call in Tip by Phone

Call Crime S​toppers by dialing

305 471-8477 or 1 866 471-Tips

Either w​ay, it's anonymous.

Tipster's tip information and passcode

Click to Add Info to Your Tip

Click the button on your computer or phone screen to check status 

or to give more info.

QR code for Crime Stoppers app

Downl​oad Tip App

Go to your favorite App store and download the P3 App. 

Find your South Florida location.

We Don't ​Gos​sip... It's The Law.

Tipster anonymity is not just a Crime Stoppers' pledge -- it is in our state laws. 


In Florida, a person, including  Crime Stoppers staff or law enforcement officers,  may commit a crime if that person intentionally or knowingly shares the identity of a Crime Stoppers Tipster.  Any unauthorized individual may face criminal charges by asking Crime Stoppers staff or law enforcement for  tip information. This law was created to show our commitment to the need for privacy. We are serious about the Tipster's anonymity.


Crime Stoppers only pays out rewards to anonymous tipsters to ensure a tipster's identity is never known. Tipsters who identify themselves to Crime Stoppers' staff or law enforcement are not eligible for payment by state rules and our operating procedures.

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Tips are not paid out until law enforcement provides documentation, which is then processed upon receipt by the Crime Stoppers office.

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Our Guidelines fo​r Reward Payouts

  • Tipster must not be a victim. Victims need to file police reports with the local law enforcement agency.


  • The t​ipster’s identity must remain anonymous and unknown to the organization and law enforcement.


  • The tip must come through the Crime Stoppers anonymous tip lines,   305 471-8477,  online at or via the mobile website.


  • The tip must lead to an arrest of the individual(s) involved.


  • Reward value may vary due to the degree of assistance tip gives in resolving a case. A case may require multiple tips to make an arrest.


  • The tipster MUST have the tip number and code given by the operator or web form to be eligible for the reward.

Start the good. 

It isn't enough to wish away the bad,

You have to speak the good into existence.

Because if no one starts, nothing will change.

Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade and The Florida Keys is a community-based organization which gives residents the opportunity to become involved in the fight against crime in Miami-Dade County and The Florida Keys. 

Our organization has three important partners who work together to make our communities safer to live, work and play. Through our programs, our ​partners representing our South Florida citizenry, law enforcement, and the media work together towards one goal -- reducing crime. All of us working together can solve crimes! Start The Good.


Due to a strong commitment from our community partners and our ability to focus our resources on the people who commit crimes in our neighborhoods, our partnerships consistently report a positive impact on our region. Our callers (tipsters) from our communities are central to our successes. 

A single tip matters. Start The Good. 

Please NOTE:

Our Crime Stoppers will not pay rewards for information provided through any source other than tips submitted directly to its program via its anonymous tip phone line, anonymous website buttons, QR codes, or the mobile app. Tips received after the police have been called or after an arrest has already been made are not eligible for a reward from Crime Stoppers. Tips are not paid out until law enforcement provides documentation, which is then processed upon receipt by the Crime Stoppers office. 



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Sunrise over Biscayne Bay, Florida
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